
Biscotti, cantuccini or “legionnaires biscuit”!

This crunchy little cookie has been around for centuries and is originally from Prato, in Italy. It is traditionally served as a dessert alongside a glass of sweet wine called Vin Santo, for dipping before eating.

On this side of the Atlantic, we typically enjoy it as an indulgent break-time snack, with a cup of coffee or tea.

A brief history

The word biscotti comes from bis (two) and cotto (cooking). 

The word cantuccini comes from canto, a reference to its characteristic shape, and cantellus, which means “slice of bread.”

Natural ingredients and traditional artisanal know-how are the secrets behind the best biscotti!

Anecdotally, there is a reason why these cookies were baked twice: this made them harder and drier and helped them keep longer.

According to Pliny, famous author of the encyclopedic Natural History, this “Parthian bread,” a staple food for Roman legionnaires, could even keep for centuries!

According to traditional recipes, the dough is prepared and shaped into long logs by hand.

Made with flour, sugar, eggs and almonds the dough is shaped into logs and baked. It is then cut into slices 1 to 1.5 cm thick, which are baked again.


Fun fact, Catherine de Medici loved these little treats.

Sources : / Journal de Montréal