Baccalà mantecato

by: Margherita Romagnoli

  • Preparation 12 min
  • Cooking 6 min
  • Portions 4 pers.

Ingredients needed

Serves 4

  • 500 g of codfish*
  • 150 ml of Favuzzi extra virgin olive oil 
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 3 tbsp of milk
  • 1 small garlic clove, f inely grated
  • 1 full tbsp of f inely chopped parsley
  • Favuzzi Fleur de sel
  • Pepper

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Steps of preparation

  1. Put the cod in a saucepan, cover with cold water and a pinch of salt and bring to the boil, taking out the foam during cooking time cook the cod for about 6-8 minutes, until well tender let the cod.
  2. Cool down a few minutes, discard the bay leaf, drain it and place in the bowl of a standing mixer using the whip attachment.
  3. Mix the cod, adding the oil slowly, in a continuous stream, and then add in the milk, add the garlic.
  4. Add some chopped parsley and salt and pepper to taste serve on croutons or with polenta, decorating with parsley and a drizzle of olive oil.

* The original recipe calls for salt cod or dried cod. in the case you want use one of these two, be aware that it will be necessary to soak the fish in cold water for 24 or 48 hours in advance, and change the water several times.

** If you do not have a standing mixer, use a wooden spoon.

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